but they went to eat so i join in lorz
then go it fare for damn long la then shuey bought a headset
then we go to ion @orchard wah lao damn nice
shuey went home halfway
by the time we leave ion damn late partly because we were finding escalators -.-''' dun ask y
-will upload pic some day-
then we go back suntec cause i wan buy printer cum scanner
then buy liao we go makan
but be fore we reach the food court we were all damn tired our legs fell like its gonna break
then when we finally sit it feels damn suang argh
so after that we all went home
by the time i reach home it was 11+
then clifford reach home @ 12 +
all is in the middle of the night horx not afternoon hor
then went home test printer then done for the day
it was a tiring but fun day :)